Da Vinci Project: Proceeding with the Underpainting

The first phase nearing completion

08-02-2016 11:30 am

Continuing the Underpainting

Leonardo Portrait Stage 2

Here is the latest image of the Leonardo portrait I’m working on. I have come a long way with the underpainting. This first stage is the most important. I need to get everything rendered perfectly in burnt umber—essentially finish the painting, just no color, so this is where I am spending a lot of quality time. I wish to perfect the drawing and rendering here before I commit to adding colors. I am mostly happy with how this is coming along, but I can still see some problems to correct. I also have to render the hair. The original drawing by Leonardo handled the hair in a very indistinct way. I’ve been trying to decide if I want to tackle Leonardo’s favored curly hair style or if I want to do a more acurate interpretation of the original drawing, which shows little in the way of curls.

Visit Study of Leonardo to see more and larger images.